Dream Big: Engineering Our World  is accompanied by a comprehensive set of resources to use in the classroom, in STEM Clubs and at home. These materials can be used in conjunction with a visit to watch the film, or they work equally well as stand-alone teaching and learning resources.

Although created in the US, the content is easily adaptable for UK schools. Use the table below to compare the US school grade to help you decide which resources might be most relevant to your classes.

US School Grade Age English School Year
Pre-Kindergarten 4-5 years Reception
Kindergarten 5-6 years Year 1
1st Grade 6-7 years Year 2
2nd Grade 7-8 years Year 3
3rd Grade 8-9 years Year 4
4th Grade 9-10 years Year 5
5th Grade 10-11 years Year 6
6th Grade 11-12 years Year 7
7th Grade 12-13 years Year 8
8th Grade 13-14 years Year 9
9th Grade 14-15 years Year 10
10th Grade 15-16 years Year 11
11th Grade 16-17 years Year 12
12th Grade 17-18 years Year 13

Educator Guide & Lesson Plans

The Dream Big Educator Guide is a companion resource to the film. It includes cross curricular activities set out as lesson plans for different year groups. Each lesson presents pupils with an engineering challenge inspired by the work of real engineers and can be used to help introduce the engineering approach and mindset. Download the complete guide or select individual lessons below.


These ten Hands-On Engineering Activities were developed specially for Dream Big and all have a connection to a story or theme in the film. Two of the activities—Windy City Tower and Build an Earthquake-Resistant Structure—are seen being performed by children in the film. To access more than 30 additional engineering activities, please visit the film partner DiscoverE’s website:

“If there’s a 10 year-old girl in the audience thinking ‘I have ideas, too’ we want to not only inspire her but give her a chance to learn more and keep going.”


educational VIDEOS

Delve deeper into the engineering stories featured in the film with this series of five-minute educational videos. Each of the videos matches up to a lesson plan included in the Dream Big Educator Guide, but they can be used independently. There’s also a video introducing the women engineers featured in the film.

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